About Lesotho

Lesotho flag

Basutoland was found by Moshoeshoe I, who united various groups to repel challenges from Zulus in 1820s. Then Become a British colony after revolt against Cape Colonial rule. Paramount chiefs retained large degree of autonomy. Kingdom of Lesotho, gained its independence in 1966 with Moshoeshoe II as king and Chief Leabua Jonathan (Basotho National Party) as prime minister. Lesotho has been relatively stable ever since. There are various historical places to explore such as Thaba-bosiu mountain where Moshoeshoe I build Basotho Nation. The mountain was said to be growing during the night which made it hard for enemies to attack Basotho nation during Lifaqane wars.

Lesotho districts

Lesotho has gradually transformed from traditional ways of life to a combine modern and traditional life. Basotho people, known as Sotho speakers, traditionally associate and identify themselves through clan names, which specify their ancestral origins; namely the Batloung, Bakuena, Bafokeng, Bataung and so on. The royal family of Lesotho is largely made up of Bakuena. Sesotho and English are two official langueges where Sesotho dominates in daily communications.

Urban life is a blend of traditional and Western culture. Maseru, capital city of Lesotho, has shops and markets that offer regional crafts and goods, as well as modern and Western hotels, restaurants, and nightclubs.

The way of life in villages revolves largely on the fields, the chief’s court, the school, the church, and the initiation school. Most of young boys spend much of their lives as herdsmen. Basotho often wear multicoloured blankets, which are used as cloaks. They also wear the typical Sotho hat. Lastly, greeting is a norm in Lesotho which symbolises peace.


Christianity is dominant in Lesotho such that most Christian holidays, including Christmas and Easter are observed.

Transport modes

Since Lesotho is landlocked by South Africa, the country does not have seaport or harbours, but does have air and road transport, cargo rail also. Air transport is used from and to South Africa while roads connects districts and towns in the country. Road transport is the best mode to enjoy mountainous views and hights of Lesotho.


The climate of Lesotho is classified as temperate. Summers are hot and winters are relatively very cold. Summer occurs between October and April and winter, between May to September. Snow fall is experienced in the highlands as well as temperatures falling below the freezing point in winter. The coldest months are June and July. Winter is the perfect time for skiing and snowboarding while bird watching and fly fishing can be done by summer time, from September. Other popular activities such as hiking, pony-trekking, mountain biking and abseiling can be undertaken through out the year.